Component Parameters

Component Parameters is a way to share data between parent and child components

MauiReactor has a nice feature that developers can integrate into their app to share data between a component and its tree of children.

A parameter is a way to automatically transfer an object from the parent component to its children down the hierarchy up to the lower ones.

Each component accessing a parameter can read and write its value freely.

When a parameter is modified all the components referencing it are automatically invalidated so that they can re-render according to the new value.

You can access a parameter created from any ancestor, not just the direct parent component

For example, in the following code, we're going to define a parameter in a component:

class CustomParameter
    public int Numeric { get; set; }

partial class ParametersPage: Component
    IParameter<CustomParameter> _customParameter;

    public override VisualNode Render()
     => ContentPage("Parameters Sample",
        => VStack(spacing: 10,
                Button("Increment from parent", () => _customParameter.Set(_=>_.Numeric += 1   )),

                new ParameterChildComponent()

To access the component from a child, just reference it:

partial class ParameterChildComponent: Component
    IParameter<CustomParameter> _customParameter;
    public override VisualNode Render()
      => VStack(spacing: 10,
            Button("Increment from child", ()=> _customParameter.Set(_=>_.Numeric++)),


When you modify a parameter value, MauiReactor updates any component starting from the parent one that has defined it down to its children. You can control this behavior using the overloadvoid Set(Action setAction, bool invalidateComponent = true) of the IParameter<T> interface Passing false to the invalidateComponent MauiReactor doesn't invalidate the components referencing the Parameter but it just updates the properties that are referencing it inside the callback ()=>...

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