
This page describes how to style controls in MauiReactor

In .NET MAUI application, one, usually, creates control styles in a bunch of XAML files in the Resources folder.

For example, the following XAML styles the Label with a custom text color and font family.

<Style TargetType="Label">
    <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="{DynamicResource Primary}" />
    <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="OpenSansRegular" />

MauiReactor supports XAML styling as well, you just need to reference your XAML files when setting up the MauiReactor application as shown below:

    .UseMauiReactorApp<HomePage>(app =>

Starting from version 2.0.34, MauiReactor also allows control styling using C#.

To create your theme, you have to define a class deriving from the MauiReactor Theme class and override the OnApply method.

class AppTheme : Theme
   protected override void OnApply()

You have to register the theme in the app definition in your program.cs file as shown below:

var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
    .UseMauiReactorApp<MainPage>(app =>

For example, the following theme class defines a few default styles for the Label and Button controls.

class AppTheme : Theme
    public static Color Primary = Color.FromArgb("#512BD4");
    public static Color PrimaryDark = Color.FromArgb("#ac99ea");
    public static Color PrimaryDarkText = Color.FromArgb("#242424");
    public static Color Secondary = Color.FromArgb("#DFD8F7");
    public static Color SecondaryDarkText = Color.FromArgb("#9880e5");
    public static Color Tertiary = Color.FromArgb("#2B0B98");
    public static Color White = Color.FromArgb("White");
    public static Color Black = Color.FromArgb("Black");
    public static Color Magenta = Color.FromArgb("#D600AA");
    public static Color MidnightBlue = Color.FromArgb("#190649");
    public static Color OffBlack = Color.FromArgb("#1f1f1f");
    public static Color Gray100 = Color.FromArgb("#E1E1E1");
    public static Color Gray200 = Color.FromArgb("#C8C8C8");
    public static Color Gray300 = Color.FromArgb("#ACACAC");
    public static Color Gray400 = Color.FromArgb("#919191");
    public static Color Gray500 = Color.FromArgb("#6E6E6E");
    public static Color Gray600 = Color.FromArgb("#404040");
    public static Color Gray900 = Color.FromArgb("#212121");
    public static Color Gray950 = Color.FromArgb("#141414");

    public static SolidColorBrush PrimaryBrush = new(Primary);
    public static SolidColorBrush SecondaryBrush = new(Secondary);
    public static SolidColorBrush TertiaryBrush = new(Tertiary);
    public static SolidColorBrush WhiteBrush = new(White);
    public static SolidColorBrush BlackBrush = new(Black);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray100Brush = new(Gray100);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray200Brush = new(Gray200);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray300Brush = new(Gray300);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray400Brush = new(Gray400);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray500Brush = new(Gray500);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray600Brush = new(Gray600);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray900Brush = new(Gray900);
    public static SolidColorBrush Gray950Brush = new(Gray950);

    private static bool LightTheme => Application.Current?.UserAppTheme == Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.AppTheme.Light;

    protected override void OnApply()
        ButtonStyles.Default = _ => _
            .TextColor(LightTheme ? White : PrimaryDarkText)
            .BackgroundColor(LightTheme ? Primary : PrimaryDark)
            .VisualState("CommonStates", "Disabled", MauiControls.Button.TextColorProperty, LightTheme ? Gray950 : Gray200)
            .VisualState("CommonStates", "Disabled", MauiControls.Button.BackgroundColorProperty, LightTheme ? Gray200 : Gray600)

        LabelStyles.Default = _ => _
            .TextColor(LightTheme ? Black : White)
            .VisualState("CommonStates", "Disabled", MauiControls.Label.TextColorProperty, LightTheme ? Gray300 : Gray600)


All the MauiReactor controls can be styled using the class named after the control name (i.e. LabelStyles, ButtonStyles, ViewStyles, etc).

Theming fully supports hot reload: style changes are reflected in the running application.

You can also use "selectors" (like in CSS) to define additional styles for each control. A selector is a unique string attached to the style.

For example, I can define a different style for the label as shown below:

LabelStyles.Themes["Title"] = _ => _

You can select the style using the ThemeKey property:


Given that selectors should be unique, a common approach is to create a const string property to use in the style definition and with the ThemeKey property.

For example:

public const string Title = nameof(Title);

LabelStyles.Themes[Title] = _ => _

Theming also works with custom third-party controls that are scaffolded as described here.

Last updated