Even if RxAnimations or AnimationController class are the primary way to create animations in MauiReactor, aren't strictly required.
Take for example how we can create an animated button: we want the user to see a scale animation when clicking over a widget (Image, Button, etc).
Apart from RxAnimation, we can easily just call the ScaleTo view extension method over the native control to achieve the same effect.
Following, we'll see possible implementations:
Use a component, with a layout control containing the Children element and animate it when tapped:
class AnimatedComponent: Component
private Func<Task>? _action;
private MauiControls.Grid? _containerGrid;
public AnimatedComponent OnTapped(Func<Task> action)
_action = action;
return this;
public override VisualNode Render()
return new Grid(grid => _containerGrid = grid)
.OnTapped(async () =>
if (_containerGrid != null && _action != null)
await MauiControls.ViewExtensions.ScaleTo(_containerGrid, 0.7);
await _action.Invoke();
await MauiControls.ViewExtensions.ScaleTo(_containerGrid, 1.0);
Create an extension function for the MauiReactor widget that realizes the animation:
static class AnimatedButtonExtensions
public static T OnTappedWithAnimation<T>(this T view, Func<Task> action) where T : IView
view.OnTapped(async (sender, args) =>
var visualElement = (MauiControls.VisualElement?)sender;
if (visualElement == null)
await MauiControls.ViewExtensions.ScaleTo(visualElement, 0.7);
await action.Invoke();
await MauiControls.ViewExtensions.ScaleTo(visualElement, 1.0);
return view;
Create a component that renders just one child animated when tapped:
class AnimatedComponent2: Component
private Func<Task>? _action;
public AnimatedComponent2 OnTapped(Func<Task> action)
_action = action;
return this;
public override VisualNode Render()
var child = Children().FirstOrDefault();
if (child == null)
return null!;
if (child is IView viewChild)
viewChild.OnTapped(async (sender, args) =>
var visualElement = (MauiControls.VisualElement?)sender;
if (visualElement == null)
if (_action != null)
await MauiControls.ViewExtensions.ScaleTo(visualElement, 0.7);
await _action.Invoke();
await MauiControls.ViewExtensions.ScaleTo(visualElement, 1.0);
return child;
Let's put everything on a page to show the same resulting effect of each variation:
class AnimatedButtonPage: Component
public override VisualNode Render()
return new ContentPage("Animated image sample")
new VStack(spacing: 20)
new AnimatedComponent
new Image("tab_home.png"),
new Image("tab_home.png")
new AnimatedComponent2
new Image("tab_home.png"),
async Task OnTapped()
if (ContainerPage != null)
await ContainerPage.DisplayAlert("MauiReactor", "Tapped!", "OK");