.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) Shell reduces the complexity of app development by providing the fundamental features that most apps require, including:
A single place to describe the visual hierarchy of an app.
A common navigation user experience.
A URI-based navigation scheme that permits navigation to any page in the app.
An integrated search handler.
Official documentation:
MauiReactor sample app:
Shell with ShellContents
The sample code below shows how to create a Shell with some pages using the ShellContent class:
Copy class MainPageState
public int Counter { get ; set ; }
class MainPage : Component < MainPageState >
public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
class HomePage : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Home" )
new Label ( "Home" )
. VCenter ()
. HCenter ()
class CommentsPage : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Comments" )
new Label ( "Comments" )
. VCenter ()
. HCenter ()
Shell with Tab and FlyoutItem (AsMultipleItems)
Following it's another sample of Shell with more items arranged inside a FlyoutItem and Tab:
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new FlyoutItem
new Tab
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
. Title ( "Notifications" )
. Icon ( "bell.png" ) ,
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Icon ( "database.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new DatabasePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Icon ( "bell.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new NotificationsPage ()) ,
. FlyoutDisplayOptions ( MauiControls . FlyoutDisplayOptions . AsMultipleItems )
Custom FlyoutItem appearance
In the following code, FlyoutItems appearance is customized:
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
. ItemTemplate (RenderItemTemplate);
static VisualNode RenderItemTemplate ( MauiControls . BaseShellItem item)
=> new Grid ( "68" , "Auto, *" )
new Image ()
. Source ( item . FlyoutIcon )
. Margin ( 4 ) ,
new Label ( item . Title )
. GridColumn ( 1 )
. VCenter ()
. TextDecorations ( TextDecorations . Underline )
. FontAttributes ( MauiControls . FontAttributes . Bold )
. Margin ( 10 , 0 )
Custom FlyoutContent
You can also provide custom content for the Flyout as shown below:
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Route ( nameof (HomePage))
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Route ( nameof (CommentsPage))
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
. FlyoutContent ( RenderFlyoutContent ());
VisualNode RenderFlyoutContent ()
return new ScrollView
new VStack (spacing : 5 )
new Button ( "Home" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await MauiControls . Shell . Current . GoToAsync ( $"//{ nameof (HomePage)}" )) ,
new Button ( "Comments" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await MauiControls . Shell . Current . GoToAsync ( $"//{ nameof (CommentsPage)}" )) ,
You can also create a simple menu item inside the shell with a custom command:
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Route ( nameof (HomePage))
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Route ( nameof (CommentsPage))
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
new MenuItem ( "Click me!" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await ContainerPage . DisplayAlert ( "MauiReactor" , "Clicked!" , "OK" ))
In the following sample code, we're going to customize the MenuItems:
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new MenuItem ( "Click me!" )
. IconImageSource ( "gear.png" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await ContainerPage . DisplayAlert ( "MauiReactor" , "Clicked!" , "OK" ))
. MenuItemTemplate (menuItem =>
new Grid ( "65" , "Auto, *" )
new Image ()
. Source ( menuItem . IconImageSource )
. VCenter () ,
new Label ( menuItem . Text )
. TextColor ( Colors . Red )
. VCenter ()
. Margin ( 10 , 0 )
. FontAttributes ( MauiControls . FontAttributes . Bold )
. GridColumn ( 1 )
. Padding ( 10 , 0 )
Flyout Header and Footer
You can customize the flyout header and footer as well:
The following code uses the LinearGradient class provided by the MauiReactor framework ideal for describing a linear gradient brush in a single line
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Route ( nameof (HomePage))
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. Route ( nameof (CommentsPage))
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
. FlyoutBackground ( new LinearGradient ( 45.0 , new Color ( 255 , 175 , 189 ) , new Color ( 100 , 216 , 243 )))
. FlyoutHeader ( RenderHeader ())
. FlyoutFooter ( RenderFooter ())
private VisualNode RenderHeader ()
return new VStack (spacing : 5 )
new Label ( "MauiReactor" )
. TextColor ( Colors . White )
. FontSize ( 24 )
. HorizontalTextAlignment ( TextAlignment . Center )
. FontAttributes ( MauiControls . FontAttributes . Bold )
private VisualNode RenderFooter ()
return new Image ( "dotnet_bot.png" );
This is the resulting effect:
You can create Tabs on top and bottom; just nest shell contents within Tab and TabBar objects as shown in the below example:
Copy public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new TabBar
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new Tab ( "Engage" )
new ShellContent ( "Notifications" )
. RenderContent (() => new NotificationsPage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
. RenderContent (() => new CommentsPage ()) ,
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
You can also change tab bar properties like the background color or select a specific tab. The following code shows how to:
Copy private MauiControls . ShellContent _notificationsPage;
public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new TabBar
new ShellContent ( "Home" )
. Icon ( "home.png" )
. RenderContent (() => new HomePage ()) ,
new Tab ( "Engage" )
new ShellContent (pageRef => _notificationsPage = pageRef)
. Title ( "Notifications" )
. RenderContent (() => new NotificationsPage ()) ,
new ShellContent ( "Comments" )
new ContentPage
new Button ( "Go to notifications" )
. VCenter ()
. HCenter ()
. OnClicked (() => MauiControls . Shell . Current . CurrentItem = _notificationsPage)
. Icon ( "comments.png" )
. Set ( MauiControls . Shell . TabBarBackgroundColorProperty , Colors . Aquamarine )
To set an attached dependency property for a control in MauiReactor you have to use the Set() method.
For example, to set the TabBarIsVisible
for a ShellContent
use a code like this:
Set(MauiControls.Shell.TabBarIsVisibleProperty, true)
.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) Shell includes a URI-based navigation experience that uses routes to navigate to any page in the app, without having to follow a set navigation hierarchy. In addition, it also provides the ability to navigate backwards without having to visit all of the pages on the navigation stack.
MauiReactor allows the registration of components with routes just like you do with Page in normal Maui applications.
To register a route you have to use the Routing.RegisterRoute<Component>("page name")
The following example shows how to register a few routes and how to navigate to them:
Copy class MainPage : Component
protected override void OnMounted ()
Routing . RegisterRoute < Page2 >( nameof (Page2));
Routing . RegisterRoute < Page3 >( nameof (Page3));
base. OnMounted ();
public override VisualNode Render ()
=> new Shell
new Page1 ()
class Page1 : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Page1" )
new VStack
new Button ( "Goto Page2" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await MauiControls . Shell . Current . GoToAsync ( nameof (Page2)))
. HCenter ()
. VCenter ()
class Page2 : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Page2" )
new VStack
new Button ( "Goto Page3" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await MauiControls . Shell . Current . GoToAsync ( nameof (Page3)))
. HCenter ()
. VCenter ()
class Page3 : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Page3" )
new VStack
new Button ( "Open ModalPage" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await Navigation . PushModalAsync < ModalPage >())
. HCenter ()
. VCenter ()
class ModalPage : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Modal Page" )
new VStack
new Button ( "Back" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await Navigation . PopModalAsync ())
. HCenter ()
. VCenter ()
Passing arguments to pages (components) would mean creating a Props class for the target page and using an overload of the GotoToAsync as shown below:
Copy class Page2 : Component
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "Page2" )
new VStack
new Button ( "Goto Page3" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await MauiControls . Shell . Current . GoToAsync < PageWithArgumentsProps >( nameof (PageWithArguments) , props => props . ParameterPassed = "Hello from Page2!" ))
. HCenter ()
. VCenter ()
class PageWithArgumentsState
{ }
class PageWithArgumentsProps
public string ParameterPassed { get ; set ; }
class PageWithArguments : Component < PageWithArgumentsState , PageWithArgumentsProps >
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage ( "PageWithArguments" )
new VStack (spacing : 10 )
new Label ( $"Parameter: { Props . ParameterPassed }" )
. HCenter () ,
new Button ( "Open ModalPage" )
. OnClicked ( async () => await Navigation . PushModalAsync < ModalPage >())
. VCenter ()
If you want to pass arguments to a modal page use the overload of the Navigation.PushModalAsync<Page, Props>()
Last updated 6 months ago