Large data sets can often become unwieldy when presented in a continually scrolling list. In this scenario, organizing the data into groups can improve the user experience by making it easier to navigate the data.
In MauiReactor you can create a grouped view of your collection using an overload of the ItemsSource prop method as shown in the example below:
Copy public class Animal
public string Name { get ; set ; }
public string Location { get ; set ; }
public string Details { get ; set ; }
public string ImageUrl { get ; set ; }
public override string ToString ()
return Name;
public class AnimalGroup : List < Animal >
public string Name { get ; private set ; }
public AnimalGroup ( string name , List < Animal > animals) : base(animals)
Name = name;
public override string ToString ()
return Name;
class MainPageGroupingState
public IEnumerable < AnimalGroup > Animals { get ; set ; }
class MainPageGrouping : Component < MainPageGroupingState >
protected override void OnMounted ()
State . Animals = CreateAnimalsCollection( false );
public override VisualNode Render ()
return new ContentPage
new CollectionView ()
.IsGrouped( true )
.ItemsSource < CollectionView , AnimalGroup , Animal > ( State . Animals , RenderPerson , RenderHeader , RenderFooter)
private VisualNode RenderPerson ( Animal animal)
return new Grid ( "*,*" , "64, *" )
new Image ( animal . ImageUrl )
.GridRowSpan( 2 ) ,
new Label ( animal . Name )
.GridColumn( 1 ) ,
new Label ( animal . Location )
.GridRow( 1 )
.GridColumn( 1 )
.FontSize( 12 )
.TextColor( Colors . Gray )
.HeightRequest( 68 )
.Padding( 4 );
private VisualNode RenderHeader ( AnimalGroup group)
return new Label ( group . Name )
.Padding( 5 )
.FontSize( 40 )
.BackgroundColor( Colors . Gray )
.TextColor( Colors . White );
private VisualNode RenderFooter ( AnimalGroup group)
return new Label ( $"Animals in the group: { group . Count }" )
.Padding( 5 );
private static IEnumerable < AnimalGroup > CreateAnimalsCollection ( bool includeEmptyGroups)
.. .
return animals;